#202, 856 119 St SW Edmonton, AB T6W 0J1

Services – Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in correcting jaws and teeth that are misaligned. It is difficult to clean crooked teeth and especially those teeth which are not fitted properly. Misaligned teeth are also at a high risk of being lost early due to gum disease and tooth decay problems. Crooked teeth can cause extra stress on the chewing muscles leading to headache, backache, and shoulder pain.

There are many benefits of orthodontics including a more pleasant smile, a healthy mouth, and strong teeth that may last a lifetime. A specialist in this field of dentistry is called an orthodontist. The orthodontists receive two or more years of education apart from their four years in the dental school.

When Do You Need an Orthodontist?

You may not know if you can benefit from the orthodontics treatment. Only your dentist or an orthodontist will be able to tell you if you will benefit from this treatment. After a full dental checkup, your dentist or the orthodontist will decide if orthodontics is right for you.

You may be a suitable patient of orthodontics treatment if you are having the following problems:

  • Overbite – This is a condition where the upper teeth stick out too far over the lower teeth
  • Underbite – This is a condition where the lower teeth stick out too far or the upper teeth are too far back
  • Crossbite – This is a condition where the upper teeth are out over top of the lower teeth
  • Open bite – This is a condition where the front teeth are forced outwards so much that the upper and lower teeth do not touch each other
  • Misplaced midline – This is a condition where the center of your upper teeth does not line up with the center of your lower teeth
  • Spacing – This is a condition where there are spaces or gaps between teeth
  • Crowding – This is a condition where there is lack of space for the teeth to fit normally in the jaw space
How Orthodontic Treatment Works?

There are various types of appliances used to retain muscles, move teeth, and affect the growth of the jaw. Most appliances place pressure on the jaw and teeth to align them in a predetermined position. Depending on your dental condition your dentist or orthodontist will suggest an approach that will be the most effective.

Types of Appliances Used in Orthodontics:

  • Braces – Braces are the most common for aligning teeth. They are fixed to your teeth and show positive results
  • Special fixed appliances – These appliances are used to control tongue thrusting or thumb sucking. They are fixed to your teeth with the help of bands
  • Fixed space maintainers – When a premature baby tooth falls out, a space maintainer keeps its space open until the permanent tooth begins to come through
  • Aligners – These are an alternative for braces. They do not come with any metal brackets or wires. These aligners are invisible and should be taken out before eating
  • Removable space maintainers – These are just like the fixed space maintainers and serve the same function. The only difference is that they are removable and not fixed
  • Jaw repositioning appliances – These appliances are also called splints. They are worn on the upper or the lower jaw and they train the jaw to close in a comfortable position
  • Lip and cheek bumpers – These bumpers keep your cheeks and lips away from your teeth. The lip and cheek muscles put some pressure on your teeth and with these bumpers you can relieve the pressure
  • Removable retainers – These are worn on the roof of the mouth and they help prevent shifting of teeth. They can also be used to prevent thumb sucking
  • Palatal expander – This appliance helps widen the arch of your upper jaw. It is a plastic plate that fits over the roof of your mouth
What is Invisalign ?

Invisalign in Edmonton AB For patients who want to enjoy the many benefits of straighter teeth without having to wear uncomfortable metal brackets and wires, Invisalign is an ideal alternative to traditional braces. The process involves the use of a series of clear trays that are worn for a few weeks at a time. Over time, these trays gently and effectively move the teeth until they are perfectly aligned.

No One Needs to Know

One of the greatest benefits of Invisalign is that no one even needs to know that you are wearing them. The aligners used are made out of clear plastic that visibly disappears once positioned on the teeth. Teenagers that are worried about braces distracting from their appearance can smile without fear the entire time their teeth are being pulled into alignment.

Braces Can Limit Certain Foods

Braces can also limit the types of foods that can be eaten. Things like sticky candy or popcorn are completely off limits when you are wearing braces. Invisalign allows for the freedom to eat anything you like because they are completely removable. While the aligners are off, you can also brush and floss your teeth without braces getting in the way.

Invisalign Offers Flexibility

Finally, many teenagers love the flexibility that Invisalign offers. Braces can sometimes interfere with sports or playing a musical instrument. No such worries with Invisalign! They can often be worn while participating in almost any activity or they can be quickly removed if necessary.

Invisalign vs. Braces

Choosing between Invisalign treatment and braces can be a difficult and complex decision. Each treatment type has specific pro and cons. Traditional braces are most effective at treating very crooked teeth and tend to be less expensive. On the other hand, Invisalign can help to straighten teeth quickly while helping patients avoid feeling self-conscious about wearing visible metal brackets or wires. Making a decision in the debate between Invisalign vs. braces is best made in consultation with your orthodontist and by carefully evaluating your priorities and budget.

Invisalign Cost

Enjoying the convenience and appearance of Invisalign can be surprisingly affordable. The total Invisalign cost of treatment varies widely by patient depending upon the difficulty of the case and how long the treatment will last. To increase the affordability of Invisalign treatment, many patients are able to take advantage of orthodontic coverage in dental insurance plans, Flexible Spending Accounts, and convenient payment plans.

Invisalign Before and After

The results achieved by Invisalign treatment can be dramatic. Invisalign before and after photos show a marked improvement in the appearance of crooked teeth and demonstrate the effectiveness of Invisalign in creating healthier, more beautiful smiles.

When to Start an Orthodontic Treatment?

An orthodontic treatment can start once a child is about 13 years old. In some cases, the orthodontist treatment starts a little later if the teeth problems are not noticeable earlier.

Children having a cleft lip and palate may need an orthodontic treatment before the adult teeth are completely developed.

Before any type of orthodontic treatment begins, good oral hygiene should be practiced. To prevent tooth decay during the treatment, the patient should brush more often and most importantly, they should brush correctly. Patients who do not practice good oral hygiene are more likely to suffer from tooth decay problems during the treatment.

There are various benefits of orthodontics so if you think you could be someone who needs this treatment, you should get your dental health checked by your dentist or an orthodontist.